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Subject - Poetry & Poets

Poetry is frequently used to talk about poetry itself or the men and women that write it.

  1. Us Potes by Franklin P. Adams
  2. Enamored Architect of Airy Rhyme by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
  3. Blind Old Milton by William Edmondstoune Aytoun
  4. Adair Welcker, Poet by Ambrose Bierce
  5. The Awaking of the Poetic Faculty by George Henry Boker
  6. Metrical Feet by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    on the various meters of poetic verse

  7. On the Death of Mr. Crashaw by Abraham Cowley
  8. There is no Frigate like a Book by Emily Dickinson
  9. On the Future of Poetry by Austin Dobson

    For this, beyond all doubt is plain:
    The Truth that pleased will please again

  10. More Poets Yet! by Austin Dobson
  11. To a Poet a Thousand Years Hence by James Elroy Flecker
  12. Blake by John Gould Fletcher

    "You are mad,"
    Was all the blind world said.

  13. The Sonnet (In Answer to a Question) by Richard Watson Gilder
  14. A Dainty Thing's the Villanelle by William Ernest Henley
  15. Easy is the Triolet by William Ernest Henley
  16. Accident in Art by Richard Hovey
  17. The Poet's Forge by Helen Hunt Jackson
  18. Sonnet: On the Sonnet by John Keats
  19. To Byron by John Keats
  20. To Robert Browning by Walter Savage Landor
  21. I Entreat You, Alfred Tennyson by Walter Savage Landor
  22. How pleasant to know Mr. Lear by Edward Lear
  23. "They Had No Poet . . ." by Don Marquis
  24. Singers to Come by Alice Meynell
  25. The Sovereigns by Lloyd Mifflin
  26. At the Mermaid Cafeteria by Christopher Morley
  27. The Poet by Christopher Morley
  28. Walt Whitman by Edwin Arlington Robinson
  29. The Purpose of Art by George Santayana
  30. Premonition by George Santayana
  31. Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  32. The Progress of Poetry by Jonathan Swift
  33. Christopher Marlowe by Algernon Charles Swinburne
  34. The Sonneteer to the Sea Shell by Charles Turner
  35. The Process of Composition: An Illustration by Charles Turner
  36. To the Gossamer-Light by Charles Turner
  37. Thomas Hood by Sir William Watson
  38. The Uses of Poetry by William Carlos Williams
  39. Scorn Not the Sonnet by William Wordsworth

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