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Condensed Author Index

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There are multiple index files at Poet's Corner to help you find specific works, and to encourage 'browsing' the collection. This Condensed Author Index, initially created by Jon Lachelt, lists all of the poets whose works are in the collection. It's main purpose is to act as a 'quick find' guide to the listings in the Detailed Author Index files, which admittedly have become rather large due to the sheer volume of works in the collection.

  1. Lascelles Abercrombie
  2. Franklin P. Adams
  3. Henry Brooks Adams
  4. John Quincy Adams
  5. Sarah Flower Adams
  6. Joseph Addison Matthew Arnold
  7. A.E. (George William Russell)
  8. Conrad [Potter] Aiken
  9. Mark Akenside
  10. Zoë Akins
  11. Louisa May Alcott
  12. Fredric James Alden
  13. Richard Aldington
  14. Anne Reeve Aldrich
  15. Thomas Bailey Aldrich
  16. Cecil Frances Alexander
  17. Hervey Allen [Bookman Anthology]
  18. William Allingham
  19. Washington Allston
  20. Alqamah
  21. Anakreon
  22. John Armstrong
  23. Edwin Arnold
  24. George Arnold
  25. Matthew Arnold
  26. Kenneth H. Ashley
  27. Margaret Lee Ashley
  28. Herbert Asquith
  29. Alfred Austin
  30. Mary Austin [Bookman Anthology]
  31. Sir Robert Aytoun
  32. William Edmondstoune Aytoun

  33. Philip James Bailey
  34. Joanna Bailley
  35. Karle Wilson Baker [Bookman Anthology]
  36. John Codrington Bampfylde
  37. Janet Norris Bangs
  38. Benjamin Banneker
  39. Anna Lætitia Barbauld
  40. Maurice Baring [Georgian Poetry 1916-1917]
  41. William Barnes
  42. Bernard Barton
  43. Katharine Lee Bates
  44. James Beattie
  45. Thomas Lovell Beddoes
  46. Ethyl Lynn Beers
  47. Aphra Behn
  48. [Joseph] Hilaire [Pierre René] Belloc
  49. John Adams Bellows
  50. William Rose Benét
  51. Stephen Vincent Benét
  52. Arthur Christopher Benson
  53. Edmund Clerihew Bentley
  54. Charles Best
  55. Francis Bickley
  56. Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce
  57. Laurence Binyon
  58. Joseph Warren Bishop
  59. William Blake
  60. Laman Blanchard
  61. Mathilde Blind
  62. Edmiund Blunden
  63. Maxwell Bodenheim
  64. Louise Bogan
  65. George Henry Boker
  66. John Henry Boner
  67. Gordon Bottomly
  68. Francis William Bourdillon
  69. Stirling Bowen [Bookman Anthology]
  70. William Lisle Bowles
  71. Gamaliel Bradford
  72. Anne Bradstreet
  73. John Gardiner Calkins Brainard
  74. William Stanley Braithwaite
  75. Nicholas Breton
  76. Lt. Paul Brewsher
  77. Robert [Seymour] Bridges
  78. Mabel Down [Northam] Brine
  79. Alexander Brome
  80. Anne Brontë
  81. Branwell Brontë
  82. Charlotte Brontë
  83. Emily Brontë
  84. Rupert Brooke
  85. Phillips Brooks
  86. William Broome
  87. Thomas Edward Brown
  88. William Browne of Tavistock
  89. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  90. Robert Browning
  91. William Cullen Bryant
  92. Henry Cuyler Bunner
  93. Dana Burnet
  94. Robert Burns
  95. Amelia Josephine Burr
  96. John Burroughs
  97. C. Kennet Burrow
  98. Richard [Eugene] Burton
  99. Witter Bynner
  100. John Byrom
  101. Lord Byron, George Gordon

  102. Charles S. Calverley
  103. A. Y. Campbell
  104. Joseph Campbell (Seosamh MacCathmhaoil)
  105. Robert Argyle Campbell
  106. Thomas Campbell
  107. Wilfred Campbell
  108. Thomas Campion
  109. Thomas Carew
  110. Henry Carey
  111. [William] Bliss Carman
  112. Julia A. (Fletcher) Carney
  113. Sir John Carr
  114. Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)
  115. William Herbert Carruth
  116. Charles Edward Carryl
  117. Alice Cary
  118. Phoebe Cary Willa Cather
  119. Willa [Sibert] Cather
  120. Madison [Julius] Cawein
  121. John White Chadwick
  122. Patrick R. Chalmers
  123. Grace Ellery Channing
  124. Geoffrey Chaucer
  125. John Vance Cheney
  126. Cecil Chesterton
  127. G. K. (Gilbert Keith) Chesterton
  128. Lydia Maria Child
  129. Oscar C.A. Child
  130. Colley Cibber
  131. John Clare
  132. George Herbert Clarke
  133. Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn
  134. Elizabeth C. Clephane
  135. John Cleveland
  136. Reginald McIntosh Cleveland
  137. 'V' (Carolyn Clive)
  138. Arthur Hugh Clough
  139. Florence Earle Coates
  140. Mary E. Coleridge
  141. Hartley Coleridge
  142. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  143. William Collins
  144. Helen Gray Cone
  145. Grace Hazard Conkling
  146. Hilda Conkling [Bookman Anthology]
  147. Henry Constable
  148. Ebenezer Cook
  149. Eliza Cook
  150. Rose Terry Cooke
  151. Frances Cornford (nee Frances Crofts Darwin)
  152. Barry Cornwall
  153. William [Johnson] Cory
  154. Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.
  155. Charles Cotton
  156. Sgt Leslie Coulson
  157. Abraham Cowley
  158. William Cowper
  159. Isaac Joslyn Cox
  160. Christopher Pearse Cranch
  161. [Harold] Hart Crane
  162. Stephen Crane
  163. Adelaide Crapsey
  164. Richard Crashaw
  165. Charlotte Holmes Crawford
  166. Isaballa Valancy Crawford
  167. Gerald Crow
  168. e.e. [Edward Estlin] cummings
  169. Allan Cunningham
  170. John Cunningham

  171. Moray Dalton
  172. Pascal D'Angelo [Bookman Anthology]
  173. Richard Henry Dana
  174. Samuel Daniel
  175. Hugh Antoine D'Arcy
  176. George Darley
  177. Erasmus Darwin
  178. William Davenant
  179. John Davidson
  180. Sir John Davies
  181. Mary Carolyn Davies [Bookman Anthology]
  182. W.H. (William Henry) Davies
  183. Ozora Stearns Davis
  184. Fannie Stearns Davis
  185. Thomas Dekker
  186. Walter De La Mare
  187. Margaret Deland
  188. Clarence James Dennis
  189. Babette Deutsch
  190. Richard Devereux, Earl of Essex
  191. Charles Dibdin
  192. Emily Dickinson
  193. W. Macneile Dixon
  194. Richard Watson Dixon
  195. John Dickinson
  196. Sydney Dobell (wrote as Sydney Yendys)
  197. Austin Dobson
  198. Mary Mapes Dodge
  199. John Donne
  200. H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)
  201. John Dos Passos [Bookman Anthology]
  202. Lord Alfred Douglas
  203. Edward Dowden
  204. Ernest Dowson
  205. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  206. Camilla Doyle
  207. Sir Francis Hastings Doyle
  208. Joseph Rodman Drake
  209. Glenn Ward Dresbach [Bookman Anthology]
  210. Michael Drayton
  211. John Drinkwater
  212. William Drummond of Hawthornden
  213. John Dryden
  214. Paul Laurence Dunbar
  215. Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany
  216. Timothy Dwight
  217. Sir Edward Dyer

  218. Paul Eldridge
  219. George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)
  220. T.S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot
  221. Ebenezer Elliott
  222. George Ellis
  223. Godfrey Elton
  224. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  225. Thomas Dunn English
  226. Ephelia
  227. Donald Evans
  228. Nathaniel Evans
  229. David Everett

  230. John Chipman Farrar
  231. Edgar Fawcett
  232. Arthur Davison Ficke (Anne Knish)
  233. A. N. Field
  234. Eugene Field
  235. Michael Field
  236. Henry Fielding
  237. James T. Fields
  238. Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea
  239. Francis Miles Finch
  240. John Finley
  241. Mahlon Leonard Fisher
  242. Edward FitzGerald
  243. James Elroy Flecker
  244. John Fletcher
  245. John Gould Fletcher
  246. F.S. Flint [Some Imagist Poets]
  247. William Byron Forbush
  248. John Ford
  249. Sam Walter Foss
  250. Jeanne Robert Foster
  251. Henry Richard Foster
  252. Stephen Foster
  253. Gilbert Frankau
  254. John Freeman
  255. Nora May French
  256. Philip Freneau
  257. Robert Frost
  258. Margaret Fuller, Marchioness Ossoli
  259. Rose Fyleman

  260. Joseph Andrew Galahad [Bookman Anthology]
  261. Norman Rowland Gale
  262. Zona Gale [Bookman Anthology]
  263. William Davis Gallagher
  264. John Galsworthy
  265. Hamlin Garland
  266. Richard Garnett
  267. Theodosia Garrison
  268. George Gascoigne
  269. Emma M. H. Gates
  270. John Gay
  271. Wilfred Wilson Gibson
  272. William S. Gilbert
  273. Richard Watson Gilder
  274. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  275. Oliver St. John Gogarty
  276. Charles Buxton Going
  277. Louis Golding
  278. Oliver Goldsmith
  279. Eva Gore-Booth
  280. Sir Edmund William Gosse
  281. James Graham, First Marquis of Montrose
  282. Robert Grant
  283. Robert Graves
  284. Alexander Gray
  285. Thomas Gray
  286. Robert Greene
  287. Warren Feno Gregory
  288. Cpt. Julian Grenfell
  289. Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke
  290. Nicholas Grimald
  291. Edwin Osgood Grover
  292. Edgar A. Guest
  293. Louise Imogen Guiney
  294. Arthur Guiterman
  295. Dorothy Frances Gurney

  296. Herman Hagedorn
  297. Hazel Hall
  298. James Norman Hall
  299. Newton Marshall Hall
  300. Fitz-Greene Halleck
  301. G. Rostrevor Hamilton
  302. Jupitor Hammon
  303. Ruth Guthrie Harding
  304. Thomas Hardy
  305. Frances E. W. Harper
  306. Sir John Harrington
  307. Bret Harte
  308. Stephen Hawes
  309. William Drummond of Hawthronden
  310. John Hay
  311. J. Milton Hayes
  312. Paul Hamilton Hayne
  313. Charles Heavysege
  314. Reginald Heber
  315. Heinrich Heine
  316. John Helston
  317. Felicia Dorothea Hemans
  318. Ernest Hemingway
  319. Malcom Hemphrey
  320. Daniel Henderson [Bookman Anthology]
  321. William Ernest Henley
  322. Lord Herbert of Cherbury
  323. George Herbert
  324. Oliver Herford
  325. Robert Herrick
  326. Ethel M. Hewitt
  327. Maurice Hewlett
  328. Thomas Heyrick
  329. John Heywood
  330. Thomas Heywood
  331. Mary Thacher Higginson
  332. Thomas Wentworth Higginson
  333. Aaron Hill
  334. Francis Hill
  335. Robert Hillyer
  336. Arthur Clement Hilton
  337. Prescott Hoard
  338. Ralph Hodgson
  339. William Noel Hodgson
  340. Charles Fenno Hoffman
  341. James Hogg
  342. Josiah Gilbert Holland
  343. Oliver Wendell Holmes
  344. Florence T. Holt
  345. Thomas Hood
  346. Laurence Hope (Adela Florence Nicolson, nee Cory)
  347. Gerard Manley Hopkins
  348. Herbert Salisbury Hopkins
  349. George Moses Horton
  350. John Hoskins
  351. A.E. (Alfred Edward) Housman
  352. Laurence Housman
  353. Richard Hovey
  354. Lt. Geoffrey Howard
  355. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
  356. Julia Ward Howe
  357. Mildred Howells
  358. William Dean Howells
  359. [James] Langston Hughes
  360. William Hunnis
  361. [James] Leigh Hunt
  362. William Reed Huntington
  363. Percy Adams Hutchison
  364. Henry William Hutchinson
  365. Lt. Dyneley Hussey
  366. Aldous Huxley
  367. Douglas Hyde

  368. Jean Ingelow
  369. Washington Irving

  370. Helen [Maria] Hunt Jackson
  371. Richard Jago
  372. Sarah Orne Jewett
  373. E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
  374. Georgia Douglas Johnson
  375. James Weldon Johnson
  376. Lionel [Pigot] Johnson
  377. Robert Underwood Johnson
  378. Samuel Johnson
  379. Ebenezer Jones
  380. Herbert Jones
  381. Ben Jonson
  382. Thomas Jordan
  383. James Joyce

  384. Herbert Kaufman
  385. John Keats
  386. H. G. Keene
  387. Henry Kendall
  388. Francis Scott Key
  389. Aline Kilmer [Bookman Anthology]
  390. Joyce Kilmer
  391. Henry King
  392. Ben King
  393. Charles Kingsley
  394. Coates Kinney
  395. [Joseph] Rudyard Kipling
  396. James H. Knight-Adkin
  397. Kent Knowlton
  398. William Knox
  399. Alfred Kreymborg

  400. Charles Lamb
  401. Archibald Lampman
  402. L.E.L. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon)
  403. Walter Savage Landor
  404. Andrew Lang
  405. Sidney Lanier
  406. George T. Lanigan
  407. D.H. (David Herbert) Lawrence
  408. Daniel Luther Lawrence
  409. Emma Lazarus
  410. Mary Leapor
  411. Edward Lear
  412. Walter Learned
  413. Louis V. Ledoux
  414. Francis Ledwidge
  415. Agnes Lee
  416. Eugene Lee-Hamilton
  417. Joseph Lee
  418. Richard Le Gallienne
  419. Henry Sambrooke Leigh
  420. Sir Roger L'Estrange
  421. Winifred Mary Letts
  422. Amy Levy
  423. Abraham Lincoln
  424. [Nicholas] Vachel Lindsay
  425. Thomas Lodge
  426. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  427. Richard Lovelace
  428. Amy Lowell
  429. James Russell Lowell
  430. Edward Verrall Lucas
  431. John Lyly
  432. Henry F.Lyte
  433. William Haines Lytle

  434. Thomas Babbington Macaulay
  435. George MacDonagh
  436. George MacDonald
  437. Charles Mackay
  438. Percy MacKaye
  439. Dorothea Mackellar
  440. Archibald MacLeish
  441. Siegfried August Mahlmann
  442. James Clarence Mangan
  443. Frederic Manning
  444. Edwin Markham [originally Charles Edward Anson]
  445. Jeanette Marks [Bookman Anthology]
  446. Don[ald Robert Perry] Marquis
  447. Christopher Marlowe
  448. Marguerite Mooers Marshall
  449. John Marston
  450. Andrew Marvell
  451. John (Edward) Masefield
  452. Walt Mason
  453. Thomas B. Masson
  454. Edgar Lee Masters
  455. Beaulah May
  456. Peter Dodds McCormick
  457. John McCrae
  458. Alexander McLachlan
  459. Claude McKay
  460. Herman Melville
  461. George Meredith
  462. Owen Meredith (Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton)
  463. Charlotte Mew
  464. Alice Meynell
  465. Michelangelo [di Lodovico Buonarroti]
  466. Thomas Middleton
  467. Lloyd Mifflin
  468. Edna St. Vincent Millay
  469. Gerald Miller
  470. Joaquin Miller (pen name of Cincinnatus Hiner)
  471. Richard Monckton Milnes
  472. John Milton
  473. Ruth Comfort Mitchell
  474. Florence Kilpatrick Mixter [Bookman Anthology]
  475. Harold Monro
  476. Harriet Monroe
  477. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
  478. William Vaughn Moody
  479. Clemment C.(Clarke) Moore
  480. Thomas Moore
  481. T. Sturge Moore
  482. Thomas Osbert Mordaunt
  483. Charles Langbridge Morgan
  484. Christopher Morley
  485. George Pope Morris
  486. William Morris
  487. David Morton [Bookman Anthology]
  488. Thomas Moult [Bookman Anthology]
  489. Louise Chandler Moulton
  490. Arthur Munby
  491. Anthony Munday
  492. Harold Munro
  493. Charles Murray

  494. Sarojini Naidu
  495. Thomas Nashe
  496. John G. Neihardt
  497. Sir Henry Newbolt
  498. R. H. Newell ('Orpheus C. Kerr')
  499. John Henry Cardinal Newman
  500. John Newton
  501. Robert Nichols
  502. Caroline Norton
  503. Grace Fallow Norton
  504. Alfred Noyes

  505. Edward J. O'Brien
  506. Fitz-James O'Brien
  507. William Henry Ogilvie
  508. John O'Keefe
  509. William Oldys
  510. George O'Neill [Bookman Anthology]
  511. Moira O'Neill (Nesta Shakespeare Higginson Skrine)
  512. John Boyle O'Reilly
  513. A.W.E. [Arthur William Edgar] O'Shaughnessy
  514. Seamus O Sheel
  515. Sydney Oswald
  516. Seamus O'Sullivan (James Starkey)
  517. Eberhard Owen
  518. Wilfred Owen

  519. Barry Pain
  520. Albert Bigelow Paine
  521. Thomas Paine
  522. Francis Turner Palgrave
  523. Herbert E. Palmer
  524. Dorothy Parker
  525. Martin Parker
  526. Thomas Parnell
  527. A.B. (Alan Barton) "Banjo" Paterson
  528. Coventry (Kersey Dighton) Patmore
  529. Fred Lewis Pattee
  530. John Howard Payne
  531. John Payne
  532. Josephine Preston Peabody
  533. Thomas Love Peacock
  534. Harlan Colby Pearson
  535. George Peele
  536. H. D. C. Pepler
  537. James Gates Percival
  538. William Alexander Percy [Bookman Anthology]
  539. Margaret Peterson
  540. Emily Pfeiffer
  541. Ambrose Philips
  542. Katherine Philips
  543. John Philips
  544. Stephen Phillips
  545. Eden Phillpotts
  546. John James Piatt
  547. Marjorie Lowrey Christie Pickthall
  548. John Pierpoint
  549. Edward Coote Pinkney
  550. Henry Hildreth Piper
  551. Max Plowman
  552. Edgar Allan Poe
  553. John Pomfret
  554. Alexander Pope
  555. William Sydney Porter (O Henry)
  556. Alexander Lawrence Posey
  557. Ezra Pound
  558. Winthrop Mackworth Praed
  559. Matthew Prior
  560. Adelaide Anne Procter

  561. Francis Quarles
  562. Arthur T. Quiller-Couch
  563. Wilder Dwight Quint

  564. Milton Raison [Bookman Anthology]
  565. Sir Walter Ralegh
  566. Allan Ramsay
  567. Allan Randolph
  568. John Crowe Ransom
  569. A. Victor Ratcliffe
  570. Hardwicke Drummon Rawnsley
  571. Ben Ray Redman
  572. Lizette Woodworth Reese
  573. Thomas Buchanan Reed
  574. Charles Alexander Richmond
  575. Edgell Rickword
  576. Lola Ridge [Bookman Anthology]
  577. James Whitcomb Riley
  578. Jessie B. Rittenhouse [Bookman Anthology]
  579. Alexander Robertson
  580. Edwin Arlington Robinson
  581. Charles Frederic Robinson
  582. Robert J. Roe [Bookman Anthology]
  583. Robert Cameron Rogers
  584. Samuel Rogers
  585. Isaac Rosenberg
  586. Gertrude Robinson Ross
  587. Sir Ronald Ross
  588. Christina Rossetti
  589. Dante Gabriel Rossetti

  590. Victoria Sackville-West
  591. Francis S. Saltus
  592. Robert Alden Sanborn
  593. Carl Sandburg
  594. George Santayana
  595. Helen Santmyer [Bookman Anthology]
  596. Edmund Beale Sargant
  597. Epes Sargeant
  598. Siegfried [Lorraine] Sassoon
  599. John Godfrey Saxe
  600. Robert Haven Schauffler
  601. Clinton Scollard
  602. Frederic George Scott
  603. John Scott of Amwell
  604. Sir Walter Scott
  605. Sir Owen Seaman
  606. Edmund Hamilton Sears
  607. Sir Charles Sedley
  608. Alan Seeger
  609. George Charles Selden
  610. Robert W.[William] Service
  611. William Shakespeare
  612. John Shaw
  613. Percy Bysshe Shelley
  614. William Shenstone
  615. Sir Edward Sherburne
  616. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  617. Frank Dempster Sherman
  618. James Shirley
  619. Dora Sigerson Shorter
  620. Sir Philip Sidney
  621. Lydia H. Sigourney
  622. Edward Rowland Sill
  623. William Gilmore Simms
  624. George R. Sims ('Dragonet')
  625. Dame Edith Sitwell
  626. Osbert Sitwell
  627. Sacheverell Sitwell
  628. John Skelton
  629. John Skinner
  630. Bertrand A. Smalley
  631. Christopher Smart
  632. Menella Bute Smedley
  633. Alexander Smith
  634. C. (Cicely) Fox Smith
  635. Charlotte Smith
  636. Horace Smith
  637. Langdon Smith
  638. W. Snow
  639. William Somerville
  640. Charles Hamilton Sorley
  641. Robert Southey
  642. Robert Southwell
  643. Sir Edmund Spenser
  644. Loenora Speyer [Bookman Anthology]
  645. Harriet Prescott Spofford
  646. Alicia Ann Spottiswoode (Lady John Scott)
  647. J.C. Squire
  648. Vincent Starrett [Bookman Anthology]
  649. Edmund Clarence Stedman
  650. J. K. Stephen
  651. Gertrude Stein
  652. James Stephens
  653. George Sterling
  654. Ruth Sterry
  655. Wallace Stevens
  656. Robert Louis Stevenson
  657. J.E. Steward
  658. Trumbull Stickney
  659. Richard Henry Stoddard
  660. Charles Wharton Stork [Bookman Anthology]
  661. Harriet Beecher Stowe
  662. Marion Strobel [Bookman Anthology]
  663. Archibald T.[Thomas] Strong
  664. Muriel Stuart
  665. Sir John Suckling
  666. Walter Seager Sullivan
  667. Jonathan Swift
  668. Algernon Charles Swinburne
  669. Arthur Symons
  670. John Addington Symonds

  671. John Bannister Tabb
  672. Genevieve Taggard [Bookman Anthology]
  673. Rabindranath Tagore
  674. Allen Tate
  675. Nahum Tate
  676. Bayard Taylor
  677. Bert Leston Taylor ("B. L. T.")
  678. Sara Teasdale
  679. E. Wyndham Tennant
  680. Alfred Lord Tennyson
  681. Frederick Tennyson
  682. William Makepeace Thackeray
  683. Ernest L. Thayer
  684. Rowland Thirlmere
  685. Edith Matilda Thomas
  686. [Philip] Edward Thomas
  687. Stanley Thomas
  688. Flora Thompson
  689. Francis Thompson
  690. James Thomson
  691. James Thomson ("B.V.")
  692. Marshall Putnam Thompson
  693. Henry David Thoreau
  694. George Walter Thornbury
  695. Chidiock Tichborne
  696. Henry Timrod
  697. Charles A. Tindley
  698. Jean Toomer
  699. Augustus Montague Toplady
  700. Charles Hanson Towne
  701. Mary Ashley Townsend
  702. Thomas Traherne
  703. Herbert Trench
  704. Richard Chenevix Trench
  705. Robert Calverley Trevelyan
  706. John Townsend Trowbridge
  707. John Trumbull
  708. Frederick Goddard Tuckerman
  709. Charles [Tennyson] Turner
  710. W. J. Turner [Georgian Poetry 1916-1917]
  711. Thomas Tusser
  712. Royall Tyler
  713. Katharine Tynan [Hinkson]
  714. Ada Tyrrell

  715. Evelyn Underhill
  716. Jean Starr Untermeyer
  717. Louis Untermeyer

  718. Henry Van Dyke
  719. Tertius Van Dyke
  720. Henry Vaughan
  721. Thomas, Lord Vaux
  722. Edward De Vere
  723. Robert Ernest Vernède
  724. Jones Very
  725. François Villon
  726. Harold Vinal
  727. Antonio Vivaldi

  728. William Ross Wallace
  729. Edmund Waller
  730. William Walsh
  731. Izaak Walton
  732. C. Henry Warren
  733. Joseph Warton
  734. Thomas Warton
  735. Gilbert Waterhouse
  736. Sir William Watson
  737. Alaric Alexander Watts
  738. Isaac Watts
  739. John V.A. Weaver [Bookman Anthology]
  740. Charles H. Webb ('John Paul')
  741. Cornelius Webb
  742. John Webster
  743. Amelia B. Welby
  744. Carolyn Wells
  745. Edith Wharton
  746. Phillis Wheatley
  747. Edward Jewitt Wheeler
  748. John Hall Wheelock
  749. Gilbert White
  750. Joseph Blanco White (José Maria Blanco)
  751. William Whitehead
  752. James Monroe Whitfield
  753. William Whiting
  754. Walt Whitman
  755. John Greenleaf Whittier
  756. George John Whyte-Melville
  757. Anna Wickham
  758. Michael Wigglesworth
  759. Carlos Wilcox
  760. Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  761. Jane Francesca Lady Wilde ('Speranza')
  762. Oscar (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills) Wilde
  763. Richard Henry Wilde
  764. William Carlos Williams
  765. Nathaniel Parker Willis
  766. John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
  767. Alexander Wilson
  768. T. P. [Theodore Percival] Cameron Wilson
  769. William Winter
  770. George Wither
  771. P. G. Wodehouse
  772. John Wolcot ("Peter Pindar")
  773. Humbert Wolfe
  774. Charles Wolfe
  775. Clement Wood [Bookman Anthology]
  776. George Edward Woodberry
  777. Samuel Woodworth
  778. Constance Fenimore Woolson
  779. Dorothy Wordsworth
  780. William Wordsworth
  781. Sir Henry Wotton
  782. Willard Huntington Wright
  783. Sir Thomas Wyatt
  784. Elinor Wylie

  785. Thomas Ybarra
  786. William Butler Yeats
  787. Rida Johnson Young

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